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Antoni Lallican is a photojournalist based in Paris and working in France and internationally, notably on social and societal issues as well as on conflict zones. 


Holder of a press card, his work is distributed by the French press (Libération, Les Echos Week End, Mediapart, Society, La Croix, La Vie, Le Parisien...) and internationally (Der Spiegel, Stern, Femina, Focus Magazin, Le Vif, FAZ, TAZ, Die Welt, La Presse...)  


Wishing to broaden his working prism, Antoni Lallican chooses to explore other temporalities of the image through the learning of a key process of the pictorialist current in photography: the gum bichromate. 



War Area Safety Training - "Le Manoir"/Nikon - Bayeux - October 2022

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care 1 - October 2022

Photo Reporter / Documentary Photojournalist - 2021/2022





July to December 2020 - Exhibition "New Beginings", Observatoire Tour Montparnasse Paris


October 2020 - Exhibition "Au détour d'une rue" in partnership with the association Yves Lefebvre, Maison de la Jeunesse d'Albert


October 2018 - 5 years of Studio 11:11, Double exhibition Simon Vacheret/Antoni Lallican, Paris


May to June 2018 - Exhibition "Kashmiris, snapshots of a people with an uncertain future", Centre FGO Barbara Paris


September 2017 - PFE Festival, Bitry




JDD's favorite, "Grand Prix Paris Match Etudiant 2022".




Mail :

Insta : @AntoniLallican

Antoni Lallican© 2018-2024. All rights reserved

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